Tobacco Archives – Bourbon Tobacco Wine BTW, you should know about this Sat, 22 May 2021 01:06:18 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Tobacco Archives – Bourbon Tobacco Wine 32 32 Brick and Mortar: Uhle’s Tobacco Company Fri, 21 May 2021 09:00:00 +0000 Uhle’s is a wonderful gem located on the edge of the Milwaukee River and catches the eyes of passersby amidst the beautiful Renaissance and Victorian architecture that adorns the skyline of Milwaukee.

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Years ago, around the time when I first started smoking pipes, my wife and I visited the Bristol Renaissance Faire and I was immediately drawn to Danny Boy Pipes’ booth as soon as I laid eyes on it. I didn’t have the money for one of their pipes at the time, but I smelled samples of the tobacco they offered and ended up purchasing a few blends. One of the blends I picked out, Golden Shag, turned out to be, and still is, my favorite blend of tobacco. I didn’t know it at the time, but this was a blend made by Uhle’s Tobacco Company.

From my first interaction with Uhle’s, they were very warm and receptive to meeting me and showing me their operations. I was excited to see where my favorite blend came from and meet the folks who ran the place.

Uhle’s is a wonderful gem located on the edge of the Milwaukee River and catches the eyes of passersby amidst the beautiful Renaissance and Victorian architecture that adorns the skyline of Milwaukee. Passing the Allen-Bradley Clock Tower, City Hall, and viewing the Mitchell Building sitting just across from Uhle’s were just a few perks of my visit. The sign reading “UHLE’S TOBACCO COMPANY – FINEST CIGARS AND TOBACCO” floats over the smooth, green brick façade and expansive open windows displaying all sorts of tobacco antiques and memorabilia, pulling patrons toward the entrance as the faint waft of tobacco smoke gets stronger and stronger the closer one gets.

As soon as I stepped through the threshold, I knew that I was not in your average tobacco shop. Uhle’s is not just a tobacco shop – it is a tobacco lounge, which are very few and far between these days. The smell of cigar and pipe smoke permeated the shop as I was enthusiastically greeted by Scott, who was working the register, and Jeff, who was sitting at one of the lounge counters with a half-smoked Maduro in his hand. Jeff was eager to show me around the shop and discuss our shared love of tobacco.

Pipes, tobacco tins, antiques

Jeff Steinbock, owner and President of Uhle’s Tobacco Company, is a gentleman’s gentleman. Originally from Des Plaines, IL, Jeff moved to Wisconsin in 1974 and started working for Jack Uhle. He became store manager in 1979 and, along with his brother, bought the store from Jack in 1982. Jeff has been in the business a long time, which he makes very apparent with his articulate knowledge of not only his products and how they’re manufactured, but also of the business and how it has changed over the years.

“I don’t have a walk-in humidor,” Jeff told me. “I used to buy wine and I’d go into a cellar and see all these different wines, and it was overwhelming. So I just stuck with what I knew. You never step out of your comfort zone. But with a display like this,” he said, gesturing toward the numerous humidified cases that sprawled across the front of the shop, “you get to talk to people. Make suggestions. Sometimes they might find something better than what they’ve always liked.”

Cigars, cigars, and more cigars

It became quite apparent very quickly that the goal of Jeff’s business is to keep its customers engaged, which is perpetuated by his employees. Uhle’s isn’t just about pushing as much tobacco as it can, it’s about giving its customers an experience.

Jeff showed me his wall of fame, with signed headshots of Jerry Seinfeld, Lionel Ritchie, Jim Babjak, Bill Cosby, and many others. The authenticity of his business was fortified as he showed me his warehouse, which included a well-used workbench for hand-blending tobacco.

“It’s all hand-blended right here. We buy tobacco in bulks, whether it’s Burley, a Virginia, something like that. The recipes are all according to weight. We weigh it out and blend it. The oldest one is Blend 255 which goes back to 1937. It even predates Uhle’s. That’s when Jack took over and went to the 300, and back then it was pretty much all Burley.”

The blending bench where all of the magic happens

Coming out of the warehouse, up the staircase into the shop, we broke off into another lounge that included Jeff’s guitar collection – some of which he hand-made himself. He let me play one guitar in particular that was made out of old tobacco display cases.

“And we got this one. Pat Simmons from the Doobie Brothers signed it. Jim Babjak signed it. That was pretty cool – Pat Simmons doing riffs on my homemade guitar.”

When I asked Jeff about his plans for the future of Uhle’s, he said that he really enjoys running the business and plans to be there as long as he can, but his son Dave is next up to take over the business. Dave currently works for Uhle’s and is a pipe aficionado.

“We’ve got a really good staff here – and not a lot of turnover. Like last year when we had to shut down, we were able to keep Scott and Dave here during that time. And the others came back.”

Jeff is no stranger to challenges, as the tobacco industry has weathered a slew of regulations over the years – and not just limited to cigarettes. “We’ve had a lot of challenges. Taxations and regulations. In 2015, I used to be on the Board of Directors for the National Association of Tobacco Outlets. The FDA was considering outlawing flavors in tobaccos, and I told them that by doing that, they would be eliminating the entire pipe tobacco market because most pipe tobaccos have some sort of flavoring in them. In 2008, roll-your-own and pipe tobacco were both federally taxed at $1.10/lb. We were told pipe tobacco might double, and roll-your-own might go up to $5.00-$6.00/lb. Pipe tobacco went up to $2.83/lb and roll-your-own went up to $24.78/lb. I told ‘em, ‘You put the decimal in the wrong spot!’”

As Jeff looked through a few articles on our website, he noticed my review of OHM Menthol. “You see, that OHM is actually a roll-your-own. It was a little harsh, wasn’t it?” he said, chuckling a bit. Many roll-your-own tobaccos eventually ended up switching to calling themselves pipe tobacco just to avoid the taxes and regulations imposed on them.

Jeff’s employees uphold his customer-centric approach. I talked with Scott, who has recently been building a presence on social media using the moniker Cigar Shop Scott. His content includes products sold at Uhle’s and how-to videos for cigar and pipe smoking. Scott represents Uhle’s superbly with his extensive knowledge of cigars. After offering me a Uhle’s house brand corona, Scott couldn’t help but correct me on my cigar-lighting technique.

“If you point it down, you have a chance of getting smoke in your eyes and it puts too much heat on the inside of the cigar. If you go straight across, you have a better chance of just getting that tip on fire instead of getting the inside heated up. Turn it around, blow on it, check your work.”

Scott’s impressive knowledge of cigars and tobacco comes from a life spent around tobacco products, including the five years he’s worked at Uhle’s. “My dad owned a different cigar shop. It’s now Metro Cigars Brookfield, but it used to be Jack’s Tobacco. My first job was when I was like twelve or thirteen; I was bagging pipe tobacco for my dad. Weighing it out using the triple beam scale and everything. I grew up in cigars so I knew the stuff pretty well before I smoked it.”

Part of Uhle’s secret to success is its seamless ability to connect to its customers in all facets. Scott demonstrated the staff’s devotion to its customers when I asked him what his favorite part about working for Uhle’s was: “We’re gonna try to learn your name. Like come in two or three different times, on the third time, I’m gonna be like…’David!’ When you get people to come back repeatedly and they feel like they’re a member, that’s great. One of my favorite things is helping someone with their first time smoking. Or when they’ve smoked like two cigars and they don’t know what they’re doing.”

Uhle’s house blends flanked by a large collection of pipes for sale

As I sat in the lounge and smoked my Uhle’s corona while I jotted down some notes, I chatted up one of the other patrons, Steve, who was a regular to Uhle’s. He was relatively new to smoking, but loved the support that Uhle’s had to offer.

“I started smoking cigars probably like, three months ago. I only really like to smoke pipes or cigars here. I don’t really smoke when I’m at home. I mainly smoke here because I just like the people and the atmosphere. It’s just a lot better than when I’m by myself.”

Hearing that from another customer is what sealed my opinion of Uhle’s outstanding customer relationships.

I spent a fair amount of time sitting in Uhle’s lounge, looking at the glass cases full of pipes and hunks of briar sitting on the shelves, listening to the chatter of staff and patrons, appreciating the lack of news on the TV’s (which Jeff is very particular about), trying to think of how exactly I could convey the atmosphere, friendliness, and outstanding quality of this family-owned tobacco lounge in my article. It’s a tough job because there’s nothing quite like visiting a brick-and-mortar shop that is so evidently driven with passion for the product and customers.

Another display full of lovely pipes

With that, I urge the reader – if you are ever in the Milwaukee area, take the time to visit Uhle’s and say hello to the staff. It is absolutely worth the experience. And tell them Bourbon Tobacco Wine sent you!

With the structure of today’s society leaning so heavily on cold, accessible corporate merchandise, it is easy to forget that at the heart of America’s capitalism exists family-owned businesses that are unique and impassioned.

I’ve spent many visits to mediocre tobacco outlets where I am either not greeted or pestered throughout the store, so I was unsure what my visit to Uhle’s would hold for me. And I must say, my trip inspired a new recognition and appreciation for enthusiastic, devoted, brick-and-mortar, family-owned businesses.

From left to right: Scott, Dave, Jeff, Talen

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Uhle’s Honduran Corona Fri, 21 May 2021 08:45:00 +0000 An excellent value cigar that holds a quality well above its price range. Full-bodied and flavorful, it would serve as an excellent gift or a quick smoke on a cool evening.

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Cigar Name: Uhle’s Honduran Corona

Brand: Uhle’s

Price Point: Budget, $3.25-$4.25

Origin: Honduras

Wrapper: Honduran Connecticut Seed

Shape: Corona

Length: 5.25”

Gauge: 45

Strength: Medium

Flavoring: None

Taste: Dry twigs, oak spice, light earth

Room Note: Light and pleasant

Smoke Time: Somewhat quick

Bottom Line: An excellent value cigar that holds a quality well above its price range. Full-bodied and flavorful, it would serve as an excellent gift or a quick smoke on a cool evening.

During my trip to Uhle’s, I picked up this cigar as an affordable house brand cigar that I could smoke in the lounge while preparing my article. Before I left, I ended up purchasing a few more. You can also purchase these cigars on Uhle’s website.

Cigar Shop Scott commented on my choice, “It’s very easy-going. Nice, good smoke. Corona size is probably our best-seller. It’s nice and crisp. Smoke it at 95° outside, 80% humidity, it’s not gonna make you sweat.” And I must say, his upsell was spot on.

This cigar was surprisingly flavorful for the price and maintained a very nice quality with a solid construction. The smoke was full-bodied with a forestry taste like dry twigs and earth enveloped in a spicy oak. There was a very light sweetness to it that I pegged down as vanilla.

The cigar burned smoothly and evenly throughout my smoke and remained cool, just as Scott had said it would. It didn’t deviate from its flavor for the half an hour I smoked it for and provided a mild nic hit.

I highly recommend trying these cigars. They are a great value and make for an excellent gift – or just keep a few on hand and offer one to a guest to smoke with on a cool summer evening.

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Happy Mother’s Day! Sun, 09 May 2021 13:00:00 +0000 I first started smoking when I was 19. I couldn’t tell you with absolute certainty what the first thing I ever smoked was, but my best guess is a grape-flavored Swisher Sweet cigar.

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I first started smoking when I was 19. I couldn’t tell you with absolute certainty what the first thing I ever smoked was, but my best guess is a grape-flavored Swisher Sweet cigar.

Now, growing up, there were certain aspects of my life that I enacted rebelliousness upon, but for the most part I was an exceptionally “lawful” adolescent. I remember specifically on one of my walks home from school with my older brother, as I was approaching my beginning year of high school, he said to me quite pointedly, “If you ever do drugs, I’m going to beat you up.” And not only did I believe him, but for some reason that interaction stuck with me and it had the exact effect on me that he intended. I told myself that I would refrain from drug and alcohol use throughout high school – and that’s precisely what I did.

When I was 19, which I always attribute as the age when my judgement was poorest, the rebel in me was at full throttle. This rebel was in a great wrestling match with the lawful child in me, and the result was a heavy and unnecessary guilt I carried as the burden of my insurgent behavior. During this internal struggle, I hid from my parents that I had picked up smoking cigars. The longer I went keeping my shameful secret, the more nervous I became about their reaction when they found out.

Around this time, my wisdom teeth decided to shift in some very uncomfortable ways, and as with most young adults, I had to get them removed. I have had a turbulent relationship with my teeth, so mouth surgery was not a foreign concept to me. Because of the nature of my surgery – which, by the way, I ended up having six wisdom teeth removed – I opted for anesthesia.

On the day of my wisdom teeth removal, my mom was the one who drove me. We checked in, they walked me back and put me in a chair, and I had the pleasure of getting that gigantic, terrifying needle stuck in my arm. In a matter of seconds I was out cold.

Fortunately everything went well with the surgery. I don’t remember waking up and I don’t quite remember the drive home. I vaguely remember taking gauze out of my mouth to slurp down a giant shake. When it was apparent that the anesthesia had worn off and my cognitive functions were mostly restored, my mom asked me if I remembered what I had said to her when I woke up from the surgery. I dumbly replied, “Uh… No.”

“You told me that you started smoking cigars.”

I stared at her, dumbfounded. Apparently I had been so laden with guilt that my subconscious took over in my doped up stupor to relieve me of my burden. “Oh. I’m sorry. Are you mad?”

She just laughed. “No, you goof. I don’t care if you smoke cigars.” She thought it was hilarious that I had worried so much about what her and my dad would have thought about me smoking. She even offered a couple suggestions and invited me to smoke a cigar with her sometime.

It was at that moment that I realized how ridiculous I had been for worrying about my parents’ reactions. The guilt and shame I had carried was all for naught; there had been no reason for me to hide my personal choices from them.

But that’s how my mom has always been. I have made my fair share of mistakes in my life – even well into my adulthood – and my mom has always been understanding. She tells it straight and doesn’t make excuses for me, but she’s always supportive. I feel very lucky to have her as my mom.

I have a twinge of sadness as I talk about how great my mom is because I know that not everyone is given the same fortune. Nobody is perfect, but I like to think that most parents try their best to do right by their children. Even so, I know too many people who are estranged from their parents or have lost them. I hope that you, reader, have had the blessing of a mother figure who has cared for, guided, and loved you the way mine has for me.

Happy Mother’s Day!

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Butternut Burley Sat, 17 Apr 2021 00:41:58 +0000 A pleasant but not quite memorable aromatic. It’s buttery sweet and smooth with little bite and light flavor. Would be great as a background smoke.

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Tobacco Name: Butternut Burley

Brand: Scotty’s

Contents: Burley, Cavendish

Availability: Link to Pipes and Cigars

Cut: Ribbon

Strength: Mild

Flavoring: Butter/vanilla

Taste: Smoky wood, butter, vanilla, creamy nut

Room Note: Tolerable

Pipe Used: Mr. Brog “Old Army”

Bottom Line: A pleasant but not quite memorable aromatic. It’s  buttery sweet and smooth with little bite and light flavor. Would be great as a background smoke.

I got my Butternut Burley in a 1 oz. bag simply out of curiosity and wanting to try something new. This tobacco comes in a standard ribbon cut with a few stems present. The ribbons have a slightly sweet and buttery but mostly woody and nutty scent to them.

The ribbons packed easily and lit with little effort. I had a few relights, but I believe that to be my own fault from packing too tightly. This tobacco classified itself as an aromatic, but I found it to be quite light on the aromas. Not that they weren’t there, but it was definitely a lighter flavoring than some of the other in-your-face aromatics I’ve tried.

This smoke opens up with a smooth, mellow flavor that’s woodsy in nature – like a small campfire. As I worked my way through it, the smoke opened up to a sweet and buttery vanilla flavor that had just a hint of creamy nuttiness. It provided a steady smoke that was satisfying but not overpowering. The finish left me with a straightforward tobacco flavor with a hint of the smooth butteriness.

Overall, this was a relaxing and enjoyable smoke, but certainly not my most memorable. It’s the kind of tobacco I would smoke on a summer evening while chatting with a friend. It doesn’t demand my attention, but provides a nice atmosphere and could certainly be an all-day smoke.

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Ohm Menthol Fri, 19 Mar 2021 19:30:00 +0000 This is a budget menthol tobacco that you can find pretty much anywhere. It delivers a light minty flavor, but lacks body and depth. This tobacco can make for a quick, easy smoke.

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Tobacco Name: Ohm Menthol

Brand: Ohm

Contents: Burley, Virginia

Cut: Ribbon

Strength: Mild

Flavoring: Menthol

Taste: Menthol, dry twigs, earth, light fruit

Room Note: Tolerable to intolerable

Pipe Used: Danny Boy Pipes Churchwarden “Assassin” 

Bottom Line: This is a budget menthol tobacco that you can find pretty much anywhere. It delivers a light minty flavor, but lacks body and depth. This tobacco can make for a quick, easy smoke.

I love all things mint. Gum, dinner mints, chocolate, toothpaste. All of it. My wife is actually quite baffled by it. So, naturally, I am drawn to menthol tobacco. While looking for a budget choice, I picked up a 6 oz. bag of Ohm Menthol from my local tobacco shop for about $7.

Honestly, I was at first a little turned off by the bulk packaging. The labeling made me believe this was a low quality tobacco, but I tried to not let that cloud my judgement. When I sat down and opened up the bag, the first smell I got was surprisingly not menthol. It was an odd, sickly sweet, fruity smell. This was quickly followed up with a whiff of light menthol.

Already skeptical but trying to keep an open mind, I packed my pipe. The ribbons were fairly consistent and packed nicely – with a few twig pieces here and there. Upon first lighting my pipe, the menthol presented itself as a light mint, which I actually quite enjoyed. The menthol was well-balanced and not harsh or biting. The flavor underneath the menthol was of light, dry twigs with a slight earthiness. There was a faint hint of that sickly sweet fruitiness, but it worked well with the menthol.

Overall, the tobacco lacked any real body or depth. I enjoyed the smoke but was left somewhat unsatisfied. I may return to this one for a quick smoke, but I think my journey to find the ideal menthol tobacco will continue.

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Golden Shag Fri, 12 Feb 2021 20:13:38 +0000 Golden Shag is one of my absolute favorite blends of tobacco. I picked my pouch up at the Renaissance Fair from a booth owned by Danny Boy Pipes. This tobacco provides a very mild and smooth smoke all the way through with little bite. It gives a pleasant room note and could definitely be an all-day smoke.

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Tobacco Name: Golden Shag

Brand: Uhle’s

Contents: Virginia, Latakia, Perique, and Burley

Cut: Ribbon

Strength: Mild

Flavoring: None

Taste: Medium

Room Note: Pleasant/Tolerable

Pipe Used: Danny Boy Pipes Churchwarden “Assassin” 

Bottom Line: Golden Shag is one of my absolute favorite blends of tobacco. I picked my pouch up at the Renaissance Fair from a booth owned by Danny Boy Pipes. This tobacco provides a very mild and smooth smoke all the way through with little bite. It gives a pleasant room note and could definitely be an all-day smoke.

Contrary to the name, Golden Shag comes in a ribbon cut ready for packing. The aroma from the strands is sweet, savory, and woody. It lights fairly easily, even on a windy day, and the first few puffs provide a bit of heat with the sweetness. The flavor for me, certainly influenced by the name, reminds me of golden toasted vanilla. As I acclimated to the smoke, an oaky black pepper persisted over the sweetness. A slight sourness from the nicotine clung to the flavor throughout the smoke.

My favorite part of this smoke was when I got to the second half of my second bowl. I tend to pack the bottom of my bowl tighter, and I attribute this to really bringing out the flavor of the tobacco. A bold and savory flavor presented itself in an almost nutty note – like chestnut or cashew. As I put my pipe down and let the taste of the tobacco hang in my mouth, the finish was slightly herbal and reminded me of a black tea.

Golden Shag is a pleasant, sweet, and mild smoke that has always delivered an enjoyable experience for me. It lights easily, burns smoothly, and rarely needs a relight.

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Cutting Cigars Fri, 22 Jan 2021 22:02:13 +0000 Cutting your cigars is a simple process that, once learned, you probably won’t actively think about again. However, there are a few details you need to pay mind to in order to enjoy your smoke to the fullest.

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Cutting your cigars is a simple process that, once learned, you probably won’t actively think about again. However, there are a few details you need to pay mind to in order to enjoy your smoke to the fullest.

The first thing you need to cut a cigar is a cutting tool. The most commonly used cutter is a guillotine cutter, which can be bought at any tobacco shop or online for fairly cheap. When I was a child, my dad would always jokingly ask me and my brother to stick our fingers into his guillotine cutter with the intention of cutting off our fingers. I suppose that instilled in me a healthy fear of blades.

No matter what shape your cigar is, your cutting practice will remain the same. The part of the cigar that you want to focus on cutting is the cap. The goal here is to cut off enough material to allow for proper draw but not so much that it will compromise the construction of the cigar. As Archer would say, “Just the tip.” When cutting, I also like to think of leaving a small taper on the head of the cigar to allow the smoke to funnel slightly as it enters my mouth.

When you have your cutter positioned properly, make sure you cut down firmly. A cut made in hesitation will cause tearing. It’s common to have a few flakes of tobacco fall out, but you don’t want the wrapper to start unravelling.

Another common way to cut a cigar is to use a cigar punch. Cigar punches are also fairly cheap and can be convenient, as they can often be attached to a keychain. Punches are circular blades that are inserted into the cap of the cigar and pulled out, leaving a small hole. The upside to a punch is that there is a lower risk of destroying the construction of the cigar. The downside is that the draw will not be as great.

There are other fancy tools you can get in order to get a perfect cut every time, but using a guillotine or punch should get you by just fine. In a worst case scenario, you can just use a pocket knife to cut a cigar – and if you screw up your cut, you can always smoke your cigar backwards.

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Chateau Fuente Tue, 29 Dec 2020 19:11:52 +0000 The full circle of individual flavors and profiles in this cigar make it unique and fulfilling. It still provides the consistent and fortuitous flavor of Arturo Fuente but with something a little extra.

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Brand: Arturo Fuente

Price Point: $5.85-$7.50

Origin: Dominican Republic

Wrapper: Cameroon

Shape: Robusto

Length: 4.5”

Gauge: 50

Strength: Light to mild

Flavoring: None

Taste: Spicy oak, cedar, floral, bitter fruit or herb

Room Note: Sweet and pleasant

Smoke Time: Quick to medium

I pulled this cigar out on a cold winter day as I bundled up and sat on my deck while my dogs played in the backyard. This cigar comes wrapped in a thin cedar sleeve with a green ribbon and is constructed quite nicely, as is expected from Arturo Fuente. As I cut the cigar and smelled it, it had a honey-sweet scent to it that mixed with the cedar. I was expecting a full-bodied, spicy-sweet, relaxing smoke. Well, I will fully admit, there is much more to this cigar than my first impression made me believe.

This thing has layers. When you smoke one of these, I fully encourage you to give it your undivided attention and nurture it. It may not grab your attention immediately, but it will open up and you will be surprised.

When I first torched this cigar, the sweetness of the scent gave way to an immediate oaky spiciness. The spiciness prevailed through the foot, giving notes of oak and cedar. Once it had established a steady burn, it opened up to a very light sweetness with floral and berry notes. The floral notes are complex and fun to pick apart, but I will admit that I was almost disappointed at the lack of fullness of the flavor.

As I worked my way through the cigar, the flame picked up and really started to provide a full-bodied, full-flavored smoke that was savory, nutty, and slightly sweet in nature. This is the flavor I am used to getting from Arturo Fuente, and this is where the cigar definitely provided.

The last third of the cigar settled down on the sweetness and instead gave a light herbal or fruity bitterness. The profile on this part of the cigar tied me back to the light floral notes, but stood alone as its own flavor. This bitterness was quite unique and I immediately thought that it would pair well with a straightforward, sweet bourbon like Maker’s 46 or Bulleit.

Throughout the smoke, the cigar provided a sweet and pleasant aroma. The full circle of individual flavors and profiles in this cigar make it unique and fulfilling. It still provides the consistent and fortuitous flavor of Arturo Fuente but with something a little extra. This is a great choice as a day smoke but can definitely stand up as a special occasion cigar. Chateau Fuente is a staple of Arturo Fuente, and I can certainly see why.

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Figgy Pudding Fri, 18 Dec 2020 20:40:39 +0000 A seasonal aromatic with a combination of wonderful pleasant scents. It smokes like it smells and will be enjoyed by yourself and those around you. A perfect, sensational dessert tobacco.

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Brand: The Country Squire

Contents: Flavored Black Cavendish, Virginia, Burley

Cut: Ribbon

Strength: Mild

Flavoring: Medium

Taste: Mild-Medium

Room Note: Very Pleasant

Pipe Used: Missouri Meerschaum Eaton

Bottom Line: A seasonal aromatic with a combination of wonderful pleasant scents. It smokes like it smells and will be enjoyed by yourself and those around you. A perfect, sensational dessert tobacco. You can pick some up here.

Figgy Pudding is a seasonal blend from the Country Squire in Jackson, Mississippi. This blend tends to be in high demand with their limited supply each year since it is only available around Christmas in 2 oz increments. As soon as I opened my package from The Country Squire, I could smell the sensation of this aromatic blend. It only comes in bulk shipment in a Ziploc bag – and this baggie can’t hold in the powerful notes of vanilla, cocoa, and slight hints of cherry. The tobacco is slightly damp, but it packs well and doesn’t need to be dried before smoking.  As far as aromatics go, I’m impressed before even bringing a flame to my bowl. The first light makes me remember why people love aromatics, and why my wife wants me to smoke more of “that stuff that smells like marshmallows.” (That’s Lane 1-Q, by the way). 

I can taste every smell in Figgy Pudding. This is not your average aromatic. It’s the perfect Christmas dessert. It’s cherry. It’s chocolate. It’s wine. It’s vanilla. Altogether, then individually. The flavors meld together and stand on their own all at once. There isn’t much nicotine and anyone that is sitting near you will enjoy this smoke as much as you do. It’s a very easy, very enjoyable smoke. As with many other aromatics, be careful not to smoke it too hot or there will be some tongue-bite.

Figgy Pudding tastes like it smells and the name does it justice. It’s full-bodied and should be on everyone’s list to try this (or any) holiday season. This tobacco is the aromatic that other aromatics should aspire to be. It’s a great, delicious Christmas treat to smoke next to the chestnuts roasting and the partridges in a pear tree.

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Plum Pudding Fri, 11 Dec 2020 20:11:00 +0000 Plum Pudding is a good smoke that checks all the right boxes. It’s a comforting blend that won’t give you any surprises. Not an all-day smoke, but one that definitely deserves to be picked over others every now and then. Plum Pudding is a tobacco that is Medium-Plus in all regards. “Very satisfactory” is the best way I can sum it up.

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Brand: Seattle Pipe Club

Contents: Black Cavendish, Cavendish, Latakia, Oriental/Turkish, Perique, Virginia

Cut: Krumble Kake

Strength: Mild-Medium

Flavoring: None

Taste: Medium-Full

Room Note: Pleasant/Tolerable

Pipe Used: The Tinderbox “Jura” 

Bottom Line: Plum Pudding is a good smoke that checks all the right boxes. It’s a comforting blend that won’t give you any surprises. Not an all-day smoke, but one that definitely deserves to be picked over others every now and then. Plum Pudding is a tobacco that is Medium-Plus in all regards. “Very satisfactory” is the best way I can sum it up.

The tin note of the Plum Pudding that’s been sitting on my shelf for the better part of a few months is one that is sweet and woodsy. As far as initial impressions go, I immediately thought it was going to be good. I broke up the kake into smaller chunks and then topped it with bits that were rubbed out. Rubbing it out causes it to light fast. Though I enjoyed this smoke with some bourbon, I think I’ll have to try it with a red wine (perhaps the wine Captain Cork recommends). Plum Pudding is a smooth, almost buttery smoke that has a constant flavor. A blend like this has more going on in the background than what comes out at first. You can understand why it’s called what it is with notes of fig and dark fruits.

Everything about this smoke just barely pushes it over the line, not falling squarely in any category. The nic-hit is between mild and medium and the room note falls just shy of tolerable. While not exactly an all-day smoke, it’s definitely one to be enjoyed time and time again.

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